Active Rehabilitation
Ever heard of the saying,
"You are only as strong as your weakest link?"

Reconditioning your body after an injury or surgery can be an extremely difficult and a frustrating process mentally and physically. Rather you are a top level athlete, stay at home parent, working full-time, retired senior recovering from an injury, surgery or illness; everyone requires one on one support at every stage of the recovery process.
If you are experiencing new pain we always recommend you first see a doctor. If you are experiencing musculoskeletal pain, we recommend you start by booking with our Physiotherapist. The physiotherapist will develop a thorough treatment plan for you based on a comprehensive Initial Assessment.

In order to move past pain and prevent a relapse of pain, we recommend some sort of corrective care treatment with a health care practitioner that you trust. This can be achieved through Physiotherapy, Manual Osteopathy and Clinical Kinesiology.
Finally, to move into reaching your full potential, we recommend either Clinical Kinesiology, Clinical Pilates or Exercise Physiology to avoid relapse and continue into optimal wellness!