Clinical Kinesiology
is beneficial to everyone at any age or skill level.
It is the assessment and enhancement of human movement and performance.
You are probably familiar with what a chiropractor does, a physiotherapist or massage therapist. Like these other professions, Kinesiologists are Registered Health Care Professionals here in Ontario. Kinesiologists use the modality of movement and exercise to help people of all ages and abilities achieve pain relief, build strength and feel strong, confident and injury free in their activities. Often people think about going to a personal trainer to achieve their health and fitness goals and do not consider or understand what a Kinesiologist is or how they can help them achieve their goals safely.
Why would anyone see a Kinesiologist? If you have reoccurring injuries or pain, wanting to train with the purpose of injury prevention or looking to gain an edge on your competitors with more efficient training. Kinesiologists are trained to provide active therapy and exercise programming at all stages of your health and fitness journey. We work with you to create and progress a custom program that can be done consistently, everyday at home. Consistency leads to great achievements gained slowly over time. Success is usually not instant, it is a journey. We provide steady progressions that protect you from injury and pain, while gaining more strength, function and performance.
What is our Training Philosophy?
Kinesiologists will take new clients through a comprehensive Initial Kinesiology Assessment to identify weak, stiff and inactive muscles that have been causing pain, may lead to pain and/or an injury over time, or are simply limiting your potential. Armed with this knowledge we are able to create a custom exercise program that first protects our clients from injury. We believe in building a strong foundation for movement and progressively building strength once a stable pain-free foundation has been achieved.

Our team of Kinesiologists will focus on Step 1 and 2 since it is crucial for building a strong foundation for staying active and building functional strength. They will develop and teach you a daily exercise program you can do from home consistently that keeps you mobile and develops healthy muscles and stable joints.
6-Pack Starter Package
Initial Assessment + Home Program $120
First 5 Private sessions $60/session
Julie McLean
Registered Kinesiologist
Functional Strength Training
Gait Analysis
Improve movement efficiency for injury prevention + athletic performance
Passive & Active Fascial release stretching
Postural & balance training
Training for people with Osteoporosis (BoneFit™)
Pre & Post Natal Exercise
Neuromuscular Exercise