Are you living with Scoliosis?
Scoliosis can often go unnoticed for many years until a person begins to notice symptoms such as:
low back pain and stiffness which are the two most common symptoms but can also result in pain and tightness in many other areas of the body
Numbness, cramping, and shooting pain in the legs due to pinched nerves
Fatigue resulting from strain on the muscles of the lower back and legs
Decreased spinal mobility and flexibility to complete everyday activities

Everyone's spine has subtle natural curves, but some spines have an increased curve from side or side, forming an S or C shape rather than a straight line. This condition is called "scoliosis”. The individual vertebrae can also twist and rotate like a spiral staircase around the vertebrae column.
Tight soft tissue structures are found on the side of the concavity, while weaker structures are on the convex side of the curve. In everyday activities and during exercise, there is a tendency for the dominate muscles to do all the work reinforcing the asymmetry.
How can Clinical Kinesiology help?
A Kinesiologist will...
assess your postural alignment in various positions and during functional movements
discuss your pain triggers and pain solutions
work on myofascial release, lengthening and increasing flexibility of the spine
strengthen the weaker side with corrective exercises
improve your breathing patterns and ability to relax and find comfortable resting positions
prevent progression of the curvature and work toward finding symmetry and postural balance