Can you balance on one foot for more than a minute? Wondering how to get your balance back so you can feel confident walking where ever and when ever you want without feeling like you are going to fall?
Balance is complex and made up of a variety of components.
Try considering the following:
1. Do you have the mobility in your ankles and foot to adapt to various terrain? If you don't, you are already at a disadvantage to learning how to balance.
2. Can you feel the ground underneath you so that your brain can process the position of your foot and the rest of your body relative to the ground? There is a sensory component to learning how to balance on one foot. As we age, our sensory systems needs stronger sensory signals. Putting our feet in cushioned shoes can actually make it more difficult to learn how to balance. Instead, training our feet to walking on textured and hard services is the first step to getting stronger feet and more stability.
3. Are you able to hold an upright posture? Most of us can't and don't even know that we can't. It all starts with a forward head posture, which most people have due to the nature that we all have cell phones and most of us work in front of a computer. Our body adjusts our center of gravity to accommodate our forward head posture, thus the beginning of muscle stiffness that eventually leads to pain.
4. Do I have the core stability & strength to pull myself upright if I trip or stumble?
A fall can be life changing. Taking steps now to train your balance will reduce your risk for a fall later in life.
When considering balance training, consider training with one of our Registered Kinesiologist who have specialized training and years of experience helping people improve their balance and strength. We will assess your posture, foot mobility, functional movements and gait (how you walk) to determine how to train balance and function back into your life.
If you are interested in learning more we offer complimentary consultations and assessments, so new clients can make well-informed decisions risk free.