Our Kin Wall is an important tool for both advancing your movements and correcting underlying imbalances.
The Kin Wall was originally developed by B.K.S. Iyengar and is often referred to as a "rope wall." Practicing with a rope wall is sometimes referred to as "Yoga Kurunta." Kurunta means puppet - and the wall allows clients to hang like puppets. Rope walls were common in India, where clients often installed them in their homes and used them to go deeper into poses or achieve asanas that they could not achieve without support. The western scientific wording... achieve a state of fully relaxing your muscles, "inhibiting" the overactive muscles in order to retrain them so they can relax and contract correctly. There is a neurological component to this retraining that first starts with learning how to fully relax and breath properly.
Practice with security and without strain
A rope wall can both offer a feeling of security and allows our clients to experience the benefits of a posture without straining. In particular suspension walls can help with inversions and traction, alleviating spinal and pelvic tension. By using gravity as a natural form of resistance, the rope wall can allow you safely open up further and in new ways than you might without the use of this wonderful prop.
A tool for beginners, injured and advanced clients alike
The wall enables beginners and those with functional alignment issues to learn and experience correct postural alignment, while building strength and stability in weaker areas without straining, and while focusing on breath. The wall enables more advanced clients to fine tune advanced poses such as backbends.
If you feel stiff, have aches and pains, or have strained yourself to achieve certain poses in yoga classes, the Kin Wall provides a more therapeutic and safer way of experiencing the benefits of certain stretches and movements.
Our Kinesiologists offer expert training at our local studio in London Ontario. We are by appointment only. We recommend all clients begin their movement journey with us by first booking a 15 minute complimentary visit with one of our Kinesiologists to learn more. You can book by visiting our online booking site. Here is a direct link:
