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Pre-Post Natal Functional Movement

Pregnancy yoga

​Pregnancy and the new born stage should be a time to celebrate and fully enjoy.


But sometimes fatigue and common aches and pains get in the way.


Are you experiencing low back pain? 

Sciatica?  Headaches?  Fatigue?

Are your muscles tired? 

Upper back/shoulder stiffness?  Hip/Knee Pain?


We can help!

Back Pain during Pregnancy
Healthy Pregnancy
Post-Natal Health and Wellness


Osteopathy is a great resource for women during both the pre & post natal stage!​

This is a very gentle treatment that treats facial restrictions that may be contributing to your fatigue and pain.

Our Osteopath has specific training to help both expecting and new Moms!

​​​Kinesiology is another great resource for Mom's who's muskuloskeletal system is in constantly changing and adapting to accomodate for the growth of the baby.  There are many exercises that are great for pregnancy and there are some that are not so great.  Knowing the difference for your body is key to supporting your body during this exciting time.


​Every woman's exercise needs are unique because they have a different history with movement & exercise, have past injuries that effect their current movement, have had their own special birth experience, and various levels of stress.


The safest way to get started with an exercise program that will support your body is by booking an Initial Kinesiology Assessment for the purpose of having one of our Kinesiologists develop an individualized exercise plan that is unique to you.

Sleeping Baby


Kids Playing Tug of War


Pregnancy Yoga

Pre-Post Natal

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